The complexity of biologics manufacturing requires a new generation of biopharma software.
A Fundamental Shift
Biopharma Challenges
There has been a fundamental shift in the pharmaceutical industry from chemical compounds to biological processes. Scientists can now use their knowledge of biology to treat some of the most complex, life-threatening conditions. But replicating biological processes has unique challenges, especially when carefully cultivating cells or manipulating a specific RNA sequence.
Software Revolution
There has been a similar revolution in computer science. Software is no longer constrained to running on a single server, but instead allows for parallel processing of huge datasets and increasingly complex algorithms. Developments in artificial intelligence and machine learning have transformed our ability to extract, harmonize, and analyze data.
Fathom’s Innovative Approach
The pharmaceutical industry is creating the future of medicine – and they need access to the critical biomanufacturing data that can optimize their processes and accelerate the development of new therapies. Fathom’s data services provide unprecedented visibility to data which has historically been distributed across a myriad of sources. Our products aggregate, contextualize, and analyze data throughout the manufacturing process to enable real-time visibility and deeper analysis.