Fathom is reimagining data automation for biomanufacturing.

Accelerate investigations, easily access and share batch data, and optimize manufacturing processes in real time.
Automatically extract, store, and verify printed and handwritten data
Document digitization using optical character recognition
Our software identifies handwriting, tables, checkmarks and more, and converts them to digital data that we store in the cloud.
Data verification
Review and verify data with all actions tracked in the data audit log.
Data Mapping
Dynamically map complex data relationships while preserving source integrity
Search across all available data sources
Every document and every field is now searchable. Search printed and handwritten text from different batches across all data sources.
Automated metadata and categorization
Data is dynamically extracted and assigned metadata, while maintaining links to the original sources.
Data Accessibility
Generate custom validated datasets to share and reuse throughout the organization
Custom dataset creation
Select data fields in a few clicks to generate validated data sets pulled from across your documents. No more transcribing data manually into Excel.
Downloadable data
Download existing or custom datasets as Excel files or access them programmatically in Python or R.

Fathom works across biomanufacturing organizations to make key data accessible to different teams.

Yield Analysis
Track batch yields over time and across facilities. Overlay production data to understand yield drivers and impact on batch release parameters.
Continued Process Verification
Trend critical and key process parameters, like yield, metabolites, and cell viability to confirm the process is in control.
Quality Control
Environmental Monitoring
Track routine viable and non-viable data for facility cleanliness. Identify trends to detect problems with cleaning, training, gowning, facilities and other areas.
Instrument Data
Import data from instruments to analyze lot-to-lot variability. Automatically transform data so it can be ingested into a LIMS or other software.
Quality Assurance
Batch Record Automation
Automate batch record review checks and instantly confirm material and equipment lot numbers and expiration dates. Run checks as needed to ensure all required fields have been filled out.
Root Cause Analysis
Overlay production timelines with data from other sources (like environmental monitoring) to help with investigations and root cause analysis.